對照‧張愛玲2017-3-2 大學教授 (2)
Norman H. France
(1904 – 1941) (註:Norman Hoole France傅朗思為陳君葆譯名)
陳君葆是與張愛玲先生平行時空人物而有詳細日記參考,簡略相關前三册卷一 、二、三(1932-40、1941-49、1950 -1959)節選的筆錄要點,可以從另一主觀角度細察同期的生活歷史。
《陳君葆日記全集》共七冊(1932 -1982)謝榮滾編。商務印書館。2004年7月
「(註:中英文栛的午宴) ...到樓下去與地山先生(註: 許地山)接港督進來。羅富國答辭頗得體。羅旭和至謝詞。席散後施樂詩語我說,今日秩序極佳;...。」
「晨到中文學院去飲茶時,傅朗思(註: Norman H. France, 陳君葆譯名)也對我力讃揚昨天宴會的成功了,其實際情形如此滿意不特出傅朗思意籿之外,許多人也想不到哩。」
「上午十一時往赤柱視察聖士提反,則已變了集中營,傅士德等敎授均在。午飯後往視察華南修道院,麥加提神父在焉,... ...修道生約六十餘名,因無米或須解散云。同時到傅朗思故居一行。」
「上午到聖士提反搬回《萬有文庫》一部分,... ...午後再到深水灣傅朗思住宅「把遺書移回。只見門前的桃花依舊在春風中搖蕩,徘徊甚久,心中實有無限感慨。」
A History of The University of Hong Kong, Volume I 1911
– 1945,
Peter Cunich, Hong Kong University Press 2012
“France, who had been born in the colony while his
father was working with the Missions to Seamen, was an early example of a
European who considered himself to be a Hong Kong Stayer. Chinese
colleague thought that he was unlike any other European in the colony because
he truly loved the Chinese and his students had great affection for him. In
the summer of 1941, Norman France took time off from his HKVDC Volunteer
Defence Corps duties to accompany Red Cross supplies from Hong Kong to the
Chinese industrial co-operative in the Paochi area of Szechwan, Sichuan.”
page 301
The only full-time member of the University staff
killed in the fighting was Norman H. France, Reader of History, who died at
Stanley on 20 December, 1941.”
page 400
“The University’s non-local students were also allowed
to return to their halls I'd residence once the military authorities has
restored order to the colony; initially, approximately 159 male and female
undergraduates sought shelter on campus.”
page 403
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